
The Dark Side of Web Design

 If you are jumping into the profession of web design then you are probably well aware that there are a few things that you will never want to hear. This goes for any business of course, but when you are in web development, you are not only in high demand, you are in a specialized profession that everyone and their uncle can use. Perhaps in the early nineties people would not have looked at you twice, but now? Now e-commerce is on the rise and everyone wants their own website. As a web developer, where does that put you?

So They want it For Free 

Yes believe it or not there will be people that ask you to render your services for free. These people will not seem to care about the fact that you need to earn a living. All they will see is someone who can design a website, and when they know the web designer it becomes too personal. Your ability to say no will go a long way unless you are dealing with family. 

Oops, I Broke It. 

This is one scenario that will happen more often than not. You design a great website for a client with all of the latest technology, and in their infinite wisdom they determine that they know more about website maintenance than you do. That being said, expect a call from that particular client any day, and always keep a backup of their website.  I told My Uncle’s Father’s Nephew’s Sister’s Child that you would Help Out 

Once again your services are up for grabs, and for some reason people believe you are willing to perform charity work. Sometimes this can provide a decent advertising source, and other times it is simply a source of frustration. Either way you will have to grin and bear it, as doing so will help your business to thrive. 

Can I store this File on Your Server?

Yes, as a web developer you may host files for customers but you need to set some hard limits. If you fail to do so it won’t be long before your hard drive is almost completely filled with files you cannot even use. Set your parameters and stick to them!  

Yes there are many things that a web designer never wants to hear, and yes there are quite a few more to think about. These however should help you to understand just what you are getting yourself in terms of a web design career. Don’t let this list deter you however! There are plenty of upsides to running a web design business, you just have to find them. If you’re ready to try an extremely rewarding career then you’re ready to take a crack at web design!